Apa itu Whitelist BSSN?
Whitelist BSSN adalah Pengakuan LK LS SPPSE yang diberikan kepada perusahaan terbatas (PT.) yang memiliki bidang usaha jasa konsultasi keamanan informasi atau bidang usaha jasa sertifikasi yang memiliki kompetensi dan kemampuan dalam menjalankan penerapan atau evaluasi sistem pengamanan dalam PSE di sektor publik dan privat di Indonesia.
Source: BSSN
Regulatory Basis
- BSSN Regulation No. 8 of 2020 on the Security System for the Implementation of Electronic Systems (SPPSE).
- SE No. 2 of 2022 regarding the operational units for services related to the Implementation of Security Systems in Electronic Systems, assigning the Directorate of Cybersecurity Governance and National Encryption at BSSN to carry out LK LS SPPSE recognition services.
- SE BSSN No. 52 tahun 2023 tentang Pendaftaran dan Pengawasan Lembaga Konsultan, Lembaga Sertifikasi, dan Tenaga Ahli Sistem Pengamanan dalam Penyelenggaraan Sistem Elektronik,
Objectives of Recognition
- Maintain a Quality and Trusted Security Ecosystem in PSE for the public: Ensuring a trustworthy and high-quality security system in public and private sectors.
- Provide Public Data Regarding LK LS SPPSE with Specific Qualifications to help implement and evaluate security systems for PSE in both the public and private sectors.
- Boost the Economy by supporting LK LS SPPSE recognition, encouraging the development of information security capabilities within Indonesia.
- Encourage Private Sector Collaboration: Inviting qualified private sector participants to contribute to enhancing information security across Indonesia.
Pendaftaran Daftar Putih (Whitelist BSSN) PT Madhava Dwikarya Teknologi
Setelah melalui tahapan penyerahan dokumen dan verifikasi oleh Tim Pelayanan BSSN, PT Madhava Dwikarya Teknologi secara resmi dinyatakan sebagai salah satu Lembaga Konsultan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi (SMKI) terkemuka di Indonesia. Pengakuan ini ditandai dengan pemberian Sertifikat Pengakuan Lembaga Konsultan Sistem Manajemen Pengamanan Informasi After the submission of documents and verification by the BSSN Service Team, PT. Madhava Dwikarya Teknologi has officially been recognized as one of Indonesia’s leading Information Security Management System (SMPI) Consulting Agencies. This recognition is marked by the issuance of the Certificate of Recognition for Information Security Management System Consulting Agency on October 10, 2023, with Certificate Number: SMPI.LK.12/BSSN/D1/PS.02.01/10/2023.This achievement signifies BSSN’s recognition of Madhava Technology's quality and experience in providing trusted SMPI implementation consulting services.
This recognition represents a significant milestone for Madhava Technology in supporting and improving the security and reliability of the information technology ecosystem in Indonesia. However, this is not the end of the journey. Instead, it marks the beginning of Madhava Technology’s commitment to continue collaborating with its partners and clients to further enhance the security and reliability of Indonesia's information technology ecosystem.