Document Management System

Document Management System

Document Management System (DMS) adalah perangkat lunak yang dirancang untuk mengelola, menyimpan, dan mengakses dokumen secara elektronik. DMS memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengatur dokumen dalam struktur yang terorganisir, sehingga memudahkan akses, pencarian, dan kolaborasi. Dengan DMS, perusahaan dapat mengurangi ketergantungan pada dokumen fisik, mengurangi risiko kehilangan data, dan meningkatkan efisiensi operasional.

Solution Highlights

Centralized Document Repository

Version Control and Audit Trails

Compliance and Legal Requirements

Automated Workflows and Approval Processes

Scalability and Customization

dashboard dms

Solution Key Capabilities

Document Dashboard

Provides an overview of stored documents, including status, location, owner, and category. The dashboard can be customized to display relevant information according to user needs.

Flexible Configuration

Offers a flexible and customizable configuration environment, allowing end-users to adapt the structure, workflows, and document attributes to suit the organization’s requirements.

Document Upload and Storage

Offers options to upload various types of documents (PDF, Word, Excel, images, etc.) into the system. The system should support both centralized and distributed storage for easy and quick access.

Document Versioning

Manages document versions, allowing users to track changes over time. This includes the ability to view previous revisions and revert to a prior version if needed.

Workflow and Approval

Provides workflows for managing document approval and other related tasks. This allows teams to coordinate approval processes easily and ensures transparency in document management.

Document Security and Access Control

Enables users to set access rights and permissions based on roles or requirements. The system must be able to secure sensitive documents and ensure that only authorized users can access them.

Audit Trails and Compliance

Provides audit tracking for all document-related activities, including changes, access, and approvals. This feature helps organizations meet compliance requirements and maintain transparent records.

Document Archiving and Retention

Offers options for archiving documents that are no longer active but need to be kept for legal or compliance reasons. The system should also support customizable document retention policies.

Document Management System Quick Facts

User-Friendly Interface

Multi-Platform Support

Version Control

Integration Capabilities

Ongoing Support and Innovation

document management system

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